Millie bobby anti gay meme

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But don’t worry Millie: if we know Twitter, this will be old news as soon as Kanye West gets an idea. The images made it appear as though the actress was spreading anti-LGBTQ messages. Users photoshopped the 14-year-old onto memes and added fake quotes on photos of her.

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Obviously not everyone sees the humor here, particularly thanks to the star being, um, an actual child who herself is clearly unamused by this NSFW fun at her expense. Stranger Things star Millie Bobby Brown deactivated her Twitter after her image was used for homophobic memes. For those of you unfamiliar: the joke here seems to be that it’s so wildly out of character and unbelievable for Millie Bobby Brown to act violently or intolerantly, that presenting her as such makes people laugh. Users have taken to photoshopping incredibly vile and homophobic things onto photos of the star, because of irony.

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The 14-year-old Stranger Things star appears to have left the social media platform in reaction to becoming a homophobic meme enjoyed by certain members of the LGBTQ community. The memes giveth and the memes taketh away, and today the memes have robbed us of Millie Bobby Brown’s Twitter account.

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