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Generation co-creator Daniel Barnz told us that through working with his teenage daughter, he came to realise that casting older people in roles like this can 'send potentially damaging messages to teenagers. And even when someone is more trained, like Malte Gårdinger (who plays August), he still sports a physique that is actually attainable – and it makes sense, given his character's love of rowing. Wilhelm, Simon and all their peers look like someone you might actually meet in real life, even if they are attending a posh boarding school.

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In fact, the ridiculous abs seen in the likes of Riverdale are almost entirely absent from Hillerska Boarding School.

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Characters like Prince Wilhelm don't have clear skin or perfect hair, and no one in the cast is overly attractive in the way that teens shows almost exclusively like to portray. Like Generation, a criminally underrated show on HBO Max, Young Royals has cast actors who actually look the age they're supposed to be playing.

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